The "Delta test Convention Plus" application provides a database of questions and answers on various maritime positions in the qualification test system "Convention Plus".You have the opportunity to prepare for the exam in more than 30 areas, all questions are relevant for 2023 and are constantly updated.A convenient search in the database and a user-friendly interface will make it possible to quickly find the answer to a question of interest, which guarantees an excellent passing of the Delta test!Directions of preparation:1 GMDSS2 AUMSU Initial Security Training3 AUMSU Oil tankers, chemical tankers4 AUMSU Lifeboat and raft specialist5 AUMSU 2nd mech upgrade6 AUMSU Gas carriers7 AUMSU Medical help8 AUMSU Preparing for firefighting under the advanced program9 Watches. pom. captain10 Sailor on watch11 Engineer12 Engineer on watch13 VPKM less than 50014 Second fur less than 300015 Second Engineer16 Gas carriers advanced training17 Gas carriers. Initial training18 Captain19 Coastal master of ships of less than 500 gross tonnage - management level20 small size convention plus21 Sailor qualified22 Motorist qualified23 Oil. tanker. Advanced Training24 Starmekh less than 3000 kW25 Starpom26 Chief Engineer27 Ship refman28 Marine electrician29 Tanker. Oil - chemistry. Initial training30 Chemical tankers31 Electrician